Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Climate Refugees are people who must leave their homes and communities permanently because of the effects of climate change and global warming. In a study by International Organization for Migration it is predicted that there will be over 200 Million climate refugees globally by 2050.
Climate change is caused by natural events as well as human activities but its more recent face that of Global warming is the most catastrophic one. Burning Fossil fuels, cutting down trees and forests have led to the increase in greenhouse gases which are trapping the heat in the atmosphere leading to world wide rising of temperatures.
Rising sea levels/greenfuture-tech.comGlobal temperatures are predicted to rise by as much as 7.2 degrees F or 4 degrees C by the end of the century. Rising temperature are melting polar ice caps and glaciers leading to flooding and rising sea levels. Seas are expected to rise to 2 feet  by 2100. 
Refugee camps in Africa/greenfuture-tech.com

The most likely areas to be affected immediately are Bangladesh and island states in the Indian ocean like Maldives. Rising sea level rise may sink all 1,200 islands of Maldives forcing all Maldivians to find new places to live. similarly Scientists predict Bangladesh will lose 17 percent of its land by 2050 due to flooding caused by climate change.  Other areas where climate-related resettlement projects are under way are in Vietnam, Mozambique, on the Alaskan coast, the Chinese territory of Inner Mongolia and in the South Pacific.
For arable land the rising temperatures spell doom as it will lead to desertification. Countries in Africa like Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea will be threatened by drought and starvation. Landlocked areas of  Darfur in Sudan is where nomads battle villagers in a war over shrinking natural resources.
The world’s governments and relief agencies need to plan now to resettle millions of people expected to be displaced by climate change.

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